The Passion of Musical Chords in One’s Soul

The harmonic patterns asserted themselves……over the pulsating rhythms in ever increasing intensity……interplaying between strings, woodwinds, brass and percussions……created not quietly in his mind but locked in the orchestra’s grasp…… seemingly awaiting his arrival……to be torn loose by his mind his body……not just as creation but discovery……an awakening of energy and power……crescendo piled upon crescendo……while subtle melodic lines……almost fugue like……counterpointing with increasing complexities and dynamics……incapable of being contained any longer by musical or physical limits……as if the very walls of the concert hall……must give way and burst before its force and power……and he must bow……not as an act of submission……but as an act of reverence……his will opened to……and lost within……the overwhelming force of its beauty……as partner……as soul mate to the orchestra……as one with the passion and pulsating glory……of the culminating chords of its finale.