Other Voices: Fran Wellgood – “What Other People Think of You is None of Your Business”

Fran Wellgood is a Reiki Master/Acupressure Practitioner and Teacher, along with Metaphysical Life Coaching. She also has a website (wellgoodwork.com) that includes  her blog/metaphysical thoughts and writings  – of which what follows is an example.
Not incidentally – she is my wife of over thirty years.

And now – her voice:

I love this story. This happened in a group therapy setting. A young man was talking about how people were judging him, what others thought about what he was doing, how upset he was at what he was sure other people were thinking about him. Someone in the group who seemed to be nodding off suddenly raised his head, looked at the young complaining man and said: Kid, what other people think of you is none of your business. And he resumed his seeming napping. Pretty astounding words of wisdom…….and very true. Simple, but not easy to apply, as usual.

It’s very hard not to be affected by outside people, conditions and things, and what we imagine people think about us. But all that brings us suffering. How wonderful that life has such built-in challenges to help us learn how to stay on our own path!

All we can ever do is live on our Path. This is the Law of Individuality. Our path is our path , our life, and we are not meant to be on anyone else’s path (except our children, for a time) . We can’t live anyone else’s life path and they can’t live our life path. When we wander off our path, as all of us are wont to do regularly, we distract ourselves from our path and our work. That’s when we catch ourselves thinking about other people and what they should be doing, or what they are thinking about us.

Every time we realize we are thinking about someone else and what they are doing or should be doing, or telling ourselves a story about what someone else is thinking about us, we can practice catching ourselves, forgiving ourselves for getting off our path temporarily, and get back on our path, with our intention. Of course, our human mind wants to distract us! Our human mind finds great difficulty in being present with just ourselves, thinking about what is most loving to us in the moment – that would be boring, selfish, uncomfortable….or so our human mind tells us.

When we choose to be on our path and align with our Higher Self and fill up with all the good feeling and love we are, then we can spill that over to everyone and everything around us. After we fill up. Which requires us to be on our path. So much more interesting to think about someone else’s path. And so much less fulfilling and nourishing.

Of course, when we stay on our own path, take loving care of ourself and release excessive responsibility for others (by not getting on their path), not everyone is happy. If others are not taking loving care of themselves, they may not be too happy that we are. When we relinquish (false) responsibility for someone else, they may not like that they are left to stew on their path….because they don’t know they are completely taken care of, as we all are. Just not always the way we would like to be, or think it should be. Therein is the danger, and suffering, of being attached to how we think it should be.

Wishing you the strength to stay on your path, so as to find the joy in you and your path.

Serenity – Peace and Strength in Repose

On the coast of Northern California
Some three hour drive North from San Francisco
Sits the little Village of Mendocino
Over looking the Pacific Ocean

The Ocean – it’s still the Pacific
But how different from the Southern California coast
The flat, treeless headlands
End abruptly in steep cliffs
Dropping vertically some 50 feet or more
Into the waters below

Waves break over submerged sand bars
Some hundred feet out from the Cliffs’ bottoms
Sending white capped water
Racing to the rocky shore
Crashing thereon spewing spray
15’ high onto the dark jagged rocks

Looking up and down the irregular coastline
This same scene is repeated far
Into the diminishing distance
There is an aura of strength and force
To both Ocean and Land here
Lacking in the southern Coastline

And yet surprisingly
When the Ocean is quiet, as times it is
It also has Serenity the South lacks
Perhaps only Strength in repose
Is truly the essence of Serenity
Everything else is languid

Not far inland
The Redwood Trees begin
Singularly, the Redwood stands huge and magnificent
The tallest trees in the world
Heights of over 300 feet
And supporting trunks up to 20 feet across

Surrounded by Hundreds or Thousands of Redwoods
Within the middle of one of their Forests
Is a first time experience
We humans are not prepared for

The vision of Strength and Aura of these trees
is overwhelming and yet,
More overwhelming
Is the total Stillness and Silence
Of this forest of Giants
It seems like a contradiction of reality

One’s mind finds not thought nor words of description
For one’s mind is permeated with the incomprehensible
And totally unexpected feelings of Serenity and Peace
As if each Redwood didn’t need to display its Magnitude and Strength
For that was a given of its life
Perhaps, as the Ocean, once again,
Only Strength in repose
Is truly the essence of Serenity

Passionate Curiosity

Curiosity is one of the most beautiful attributes of the human mind.
Curiosity raised humanity from striking two stones together for starting fires –
to Einstein’s e=mc2…………………and beyond.

Curiosity leads to Creativity.
Curiosity leads to knowledge.
Curiosity leads to enlightenment.
Curiosity leads to unimaginable improvements in the human condition.
The only thing Curiosity tramples on…….is ignorance!

In the last 2500 years it was Curiosity which started all of the world’s great
thinkers, innovators, and creators on their paths to the historic accomplishments they attained. And in the process they changed the course of human history.

Aristotle, Euclid, and Archimedes in Ancient Greece;
Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, and Newton during the Renaissance;
and just to name some of the many who contributed to the two Industrial Revolutions:
Watt’s Steam Engine, Fulton’s Steamboat, Whitney’s Cotton Gin, Morse’s Telegraph,
Bessemer’s Steel Process, Bell’s Phone, Pasteur’s Germ theory and Vaccines,  Edison’s Electric Light Bulb, Wrights’ Airplane, Ford’s Assembly Line.

Lest we forget, these, and many others, in creating and building the Industrial Revolutions over almost two centuries, created billions of jobs
in new industries, and literally raised vast populations, from what was the
equivalent of economic slavery, to a place in the economic Sun.)

And lastly, in the 20th Century and Einstein’s theories of Relativity, Feynman’s Diagrams, and once again, the multitude of Curiosity Thinkers, Creators and Innovators who gave us a veritable Universe of Sciences applicable to every part of Human existence – not just for today – but for far into the future.

Since we are discussing Curiosity, there is a little story about Einstein as a child, which I think is appropriate to mention here. When he was about five years old, his father gave him a magnetic compass to play with. No matter how he turned it, the needle always pointed mysteriously North. As an elderly man, Einstein wrote about this mysterious compass, “that this experience made a deep and lasting impression on me. Something deeply hidden had to be behind things” (Italics mine)

Even as a child, Einstein had the stirrings of Curiosity in that last sentence.

My point being Curiosity needs to be nurtured in those who show it, not negated.
There is some question if this story was anecdotal or reached mythic proportions over the years. It really matters not, but Einstein himself confirmed it many times in later life. What better way to leave you then with his own words explaining his talent: “I have no special gift,” he would say, “I am only passionately curious.”

Other Voices: Richard Feynman – On the Role of Government and the Freedom of its Citizens

To put it simply, Richard Feynman (1918-1988),  was one of the most remarkable and innovative humans of the 20th Century. He had such wide ranging interests and accomplishments – to describe him would be like writing about three or more people.  Each one of whom was exceptional.

Let’s just say:
He was a theoretical physicist and so much more as a Scientist, Teacher, Lecturer, Author, Philosopher, Creative Thinker, Adventurer, Joker, and Bongo Player!

The following is excerpted from a series of Lectures he created for the University of Washington (Seattle) in April 1963, as part if the John Danz Lecture Series. And published
by Addison-Wesley in 1998 Titled, “The Meaning of it All – Thoughts of a Citizen-Scientist”

And now the Voice of Richard Feynman:

“No government has the right to decide on the truth of scientific principles,
nor to prescribe in any way the character of the questions investigated.
Neither may a government determine the aesthetic value of artistic creations,
nor limit the forms of literacy or artistic expression.

Nor should it pronounce on the validity of
economic, historic, religious, or philosophical doctrines.
Instead it has a duty to its citizens to maintain the freedom,
to let those citizens contribute to the further adventure
and the development of the human race.”


Life is All About Your Individuality

Societies do not exist in the real physical world……Individuals do.
Show me one society, group, country, government, or any other Concept
That opens its mouth to eat.
That has lungs to breathe
That has a voice to speak
That has legs to walk
That has arms to lift
That has hands to build

Or of Concepts that belong exclusively
To the singularity of being Human
Being a Mind to Dream or Create
Being a Heart to experience Love
Being a Soul to live with Joy
Being the Spirit to know Compassion

I speak to every Individual who reads this – as follows:
I believe that you as a child – from the moment of your birth – were Born Free.
I believe that you have – no, that you own
The inalienable Rights to your Life, to your Liberty and to your Pursuit of Happiness.

I speak to the Rational Clarity of your Human Mind
I speak to the Love and Courage of your Human Heart
I speak to the Purity, Creativity and Freedom of your Human Soul.
And yes, I speak to the Complexity and Beauty of your Human Body
All of which makes your life – and every Human life – so precious.
To never, never forget,
You and You alone have the Right of Ownership to your Life.

An Individual’s Life – your Life – is a very complex being.
Body, Mind, Heart & Soul (the sum of which I call the Human Spirit)
Are the four parts conventionally used to describe us.
All working together in what we would call Harmony.
Or not so – if conflicted about one or more of those parts – in Disharmony.

To add to this complexity,
We humans are a Concept animal.
Concepts being abstract ideas
Conceived in the Individual’s mind,
Alive in the mind, and embraced – or not –
in the Mind, Heart and Soul.

We live by Concepts.
Free Will is a concept…..Guilt is a concept.
True, they don’t exist in the physical world,
But depending upon which one we embrace –
Concepts have the power to
Free us from tyranny…..or enslave us in tyranny!


It’s Time for “Speaking Out” Again

The following Post was initially published a few years ago on “Breath Free”.

Given the circumstances of the last year or so
Domestically, and in Foreign relationships
both with our historic Allies, and those who wish us ill,
I thought this was a very appropriate time
to republish “On Speaking Out!”.

First the Nazis Came

“First the Nazis came for the Communists,
And I did not speak out –
For I was not a Communist.

Then they came for the Socialists,
And I did not speak out –
For I was not a Socialist

Then they came for the Trade Unionists,
And I did not speak out –
For I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews,
And I did not speak out –
For I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me –
And there was no one left –
To speak out for me.”

The above poem (with certain variations of it from time to time), was written by Martin Niemoller, 1892 -1984. As for Niemoller, there is much controversy surrounding him: his beliefs, when he wrote the poem – even questions as to his authorship of it. A German, he served in their Navy during the First World War.

Some years after the end of the War he decided to study Theology. He also became a strong Nationalist and Racist. So much so that in the early 1920’s he found a compatible voice in Adolph Hitler, and became a follower. Even voting for the Nazi Party in the 1924 election.

By the time Hitler became Chancellor of Germany in 1933, Niemoller had become an ordained Pastor in the Lutheran Church. In his sermons, he praised Hitler on his views of German Nationalism and Racism, of which Niemoller was in complete accord. However, when the Nazi leader started attacking the Protestant Church, Niemoller quickly became a very vocal critic of Hitler.

In 1937, Hitler arrested Niemoller and sent him and other Religious activists to concentration camps, where he survived throughout the Second World War, until liberated by the Allies in 1945. After the end of the war, Niemoller became very active in urging the German population to acknowledge it’s complicity in the Holocaust.

A second quote relative to speaking out is:

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

This has been attributed to Edmund Burke, or John Stuart Mill, and perhaps one or two others. Whomever it may some day prove to be, I will leave to the “Quotation Investigators.” For me the beauty and truth of it stands for itself.

  • Fortunately, and thanks to our Founding Fathers, we citizens of the Republic of the United States of America, never had to contend internally with the Evilness of an Adolph Hitler – and probably never will –  assuming we never lose the words, light and reasoning of our Declaration of Independence and our Constitution – imperfect though they may be. Furthermore, our history shows that we Americans have never been short of speaking out, when our Liberties and Laws appeared to be threatened and curtailed by domestic individual or group ideologies.
  • Today, we may, or may not, have ideologues (either on the political left, or the right) to deal with – that’s a Philosophical and political term that, for now, I will leave to the philosophers and politicians. But we have many major issues confronting all of us in the upcoming Congressional elections this year and the Presidential and Congressional Elections of 2020. – more major issues than we have had in the last 50 years.
  • Wherever we are on the political, economic or social spectrum: Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Independent, Capitalist, Socialist or Anarchist – how we vote, whether we speak out — will have major consequences impacting us Politically, Economically, Socially, Militarily, Philosophically and probably even more so – how we will be Governed.

One of the advantages of living in a free Republic, is that every individual has the opportunity to choose to participate – or not, to some degree in the process of governing. It may be only through one’s vote, or more aggressively  as a dissident,  activist, or revolutionist.

All of those in our past, and those currently so, did and can, truly change the nature of how we are governed. If you think that one or two activists can hardly change the course of government – think again:

  • The Anti-slavery Movement in Colonial America started small, years before our Revolution. But it continued to grow over the ensuing decades in strength and vehemence – culminating in a  Civil War of incalculable horror to end the immoral and pernicious act of Slavery. Followed by the four Amendments to the Constitution to give them their full Constitutional rights as citizens of the United States. Sadly, it took some 90 years after our Declaration of Independence declared that, “..all men are created equal”, for our country to partly accept the truth of that statement.
  • Women’s Suffrage Movement, once again started in Colonial times with a few individual women, culminating in the 19th Amendment, giving all women the right to vote.
  • Prohibition. The seeds of the movement to make the sale, production etc. of Liquors illegal, were first sown in the 1820’s and 1830’s. Interrupted during the Civil War, the movement grew once again, until Prohibition was passed as the 18th Amendment in 1920. Unfortunately, Criminal chaos ensued, until the 18th Amendment was, thankfully, repealed in 1933.

And nothing illustrates more the power of speaking out, than the confluence of voices doing so to create our Revolution of 1776, and the same for all the Civil Rights Movements from the 1950’s and 1960’s, through the ensuing years to today.

All of those Movements started with a few voices speaking out. It may have taken decades, or as we have just noted, a century or more, but those initial few voices speaking out, gathered multitudes of sympathetic voices, dissidents, and activists. And they all ultimately culminated in successfully changing, not only our Constitution, but also the lives of untold millions. I would say they are pretty powerful examples of accomplishment.

Obviously, from what sits at the beginning of my blog site, I am a fervent believer in Free Will and Choice for every individual. So each of us has the choice: to vote – or not, speak out – or not, become even more aggressive as a dissident or activist – or not. Once again, the choice is ours.

To each of us reading this – there is one Caveat:

If you choose nothing, then you leave the field of governance to others. I would hope you, and everyone reading this has a belief system. Do you really want to leave something so precious as your very Life and Beliefs to the control and governance of others?

Others, whose belief systems may be diametrically opposed to yours!

Other Voices: Robert Heinlein – “This I Believe”.

Mr. Heinlein was one of the most renowned Authors in the field of Science Fiction. But he was much more than that. As the following piece shows. It was written for the Edward R. Murrow radio show,” This I believe” in 1952.
Although the world has changed enormously since then, what he wrote then, still rings throughout with the  feelings and beliefs of a human being of compassion and thought.

Mr. Heinlein’s Voice:

“I am not going to talk about religious beliefs, but about matters so obvious that it has gone out of style to mention them.”

“I believe in my neighbors.”
“I know their faults and I know that their virtues far outweigh their faults.
Take Father Michael down our road a piece
I’m not of his creed, but I know the goodness and charity and lovingkindness
that shine in his daily actions.
I believe in Father Mike; if I’m in trouble, I’ll go to him.
My next-door neighbor is a veterinary doctor.
Doc will get out of bed after a hard day to help a stray cat.
No fee — no prospect of a fee. I believe in Doc.”

“I believe in my townspeople.”
“You can knock on any door in our town
Say, ‘I’m hungry,’ and you will be fed.
Our town is no exception; I’ve found the same ready charity everywhere.
For the one who says, ‘To heck with you — I got mine,’
There are a hundred, a thousand, who will say, ‘Sure, pal, sit down.
I know that, despite all warnings against hitchhikers,
I can step to the highway, thumb for a ride
and in a few minutes a car or a truck will stop
and someone will say, ‘Climb in, Mac. How how far you going?’ ”

“I believe in my fellow citizens.”
“Our headlines are splashed with crime,
yet for every criminal there are 10,000 honest decent kindly men.
If it were not so, no child would live to grow up,
business could not go on from day to day.
Decency is not news; it is buried in the obituaries –
but it is a force stronger than crime.
I believe in the patient gallantry of nurses…
in the tedious sacrifices of teachers.
I believe in the unseen and unending fight against desperate odds
that goes on quietly in almost every home in the land.”

“I believe in the honest craft of workmen.
“Take a look around you.
There never were enough bosses to check up on all that work.
From Independence Hall to the Grand Coulee Dam,
these things were built level and square by craftsmen
who were honest in their bones”

“I believe that almost all politicians are honest.”
“For every bribed alderman there are hundreds of politicians,
low paid or not paid at all, doing their level best
without thanks or glory to make our system work.
If this were not true, we would never have gotten past the thirteen colonies.
I believe in Rodger Young. You and I are free today
because of endless unnamed heroes from Valley Forge to the Yalu River.”

“I believe in — I am proud to belong to — the United States.”
“Despite shortcomings, from lynchings to bad faith in high places,
our nation has had the most decent and kindly internal practices,
and foreign policies to be found anywhere in history.”

I believe in my whole race. Yellow, white, black, red, brown
“In the honesty, courage, intelligence, durability….and goodness…..
of the overwhelming majority of my brothers and sisters everywhere on this planet.

“I am proud to be a human being.
I believe that we have come this far by the skin of our teeth,
that we always make it just by the skin of our teeth –
but that we will always make it….survive….endure.
I believe that this hairless embryo
with the aching, oversize brain case and the opposable thumb,
this animal barely up from the apes,
will endure –will endure longer than his home planet,
will spread out to the other planets, to the stars, and beyond,
carrying with him his honesty, his insatiable curiosity,
his unlimited courage –and his noble essential decency.”

“This I believe with all my heart”

Living with Cancer

I do not believe in Mysticism
Of any source or definition.
Going beyond that to whether or not
I am a Non Believer, Agnostic, or Atheist,
I leave that to the confusions of dictionary definitions,
And the writings of others
Who wish to spend their precious time in the endeavor.

However, I do believe that I, and all humans
Are of BodyMindHeartSoul –
With absolutely no separation between any aspect of them
My definitions of those four reside in my earlier writings
Of my other Blog Site: BreatheFree –
If anyone is curious enough about them

I have Cancer

Believing in the Harmony of the Human Spirit
Illness is an indignity to my Body.
A cruelty to my Mind
An atrocity to my Heart
A savagery to my Soul
A perversion to my Spirit..

One could think like that
And I am quite sure
that almost all of us
Upon hearing the dreaded word Cancer
Myself included
Initially might have had such thoughts

I have had Prostate Cancer for 24 years.

One would think
Living with any kind of Cancer,
Would cause a life of Disharmony.
That just the word Cancer
Can enslave us in fear!
Except for one factor
The Human Spirit!

I like the word Spirit
As in “that person has Spirit”.
Or, “although they tried
To break his body and mind,
They never broke his Spirit”!

But over millennia, the word has been used to describe
Disembodied beings or used in various Religious definitions,
Both of which my BodyMindHeartSoul rejects.

What then to call that presence of individuals,
Who precede their Body by ten feet or more,
Whose presence fills a room
And remains with others after leaving them,
Or after leaving Life?

For want of a better word and as not to confuse
It with Occult or Religious uses of Soul and Spirit,
One could call these parts of us, the Essence of Humanity.
But being obstinate of Mind and finding inadequacies with either word,
I wish to reclaim both Soul and Spirit in Human terms.

For to me, Spirit and Soul are two inseparable parts of the Human Condition
As they are inseparable from the Human Body, Mind and Heart
All of which have evolved and grown over the many millennia,
And further – working in Harmony –will continue that process
Of evolution and growth far into the future

So Spirit I use to mean that unyielding part of us,
That in purpose and Joy can never be controlled or conquered,
And Soul to mean that part of us that beholds the Universe
With a sense of Awe, Wonder, Curiosity and Love,
And responds to all of its Grandeur
With the awesome totality of Human Creativity and Accomplishment

Having been born in 1929,
I have been writing off and on since I was 14.
Never as creatively as now, and as I expect to do so
For many years to come

As for my Cancer, all I can say is:
It has led me down so many paths
To remarkable people, avenues of health
And a total life changing self-reflection of my Human Spirit
Paths I may never have taken without my Buddy.

Yes I have looked at Cancer as a Buddy.
After all it’s been my constant companion for 24 years
Though a very dangerous Buddy for sure
I can’t explain it beyond that
Nor do I have any desire to do so!



I believe in my whole race.
Yellow, White, Black, Red, Brown —
in the Honesty, Courage, Intelligence, Durability … and Goodness …
of the overwhelming majority of my Brothers and Sisters everywhere on this planet.

I am proud to be a Human Being.
I believe that we have come this far by the skin of our teeth,
that we always make it just by the skin of our teeth —
but that we will always make it … survive … endure.

I believe that this hairless embryo
with the aching, oversize brain case and the opposable thumb
this animal barely up from the apes, will endure —
will endure longer than his Home Planet,
will spread out to the other Planets, to the Stars, and beyond,
carrying with him his Honesty,
his unlimited Courage—and his Noble essential Decency.

This I believe with all my Heart.

Robert A. Heinlein-

(Excerpted from a piece he wrote for the
Edward R Murrow Radio Program, “This I Believe”)


Be Kind
First and Most of all
Be Kind
To your Self

The Human Spirit
The Totality of the Human
Mind, Heart, Soul and Body
All working and Living in Accord
Is the most Beautiful Powerful
Instrument in the Universe

It is Emotions Attuned
Imagination Infinite
Creativity Unbounded
Dreams Realized
Freedom Attained

But when working and living in Discord
No greater Prison was ever built
No Shackles ever Stronger

Emotions Feared
Imagination Chained
Creativity Stilted
Dreams Unrealized
Freedom beyond Reach

Sadly, all Self Created
Imprisoned and Shackled
Unknowing that the key
To the Human
Mind Heart and Soul
Lies within our Selves

So be Kind
Be Kind to your Self
But also be Kind
To all Humans
Who may be Self Imprisoned
And have yet to find the Key
To the Totality of the Human Spirit